The Volterra Project, 10 al 18 de julio de 2010 Volterra, ITALIA

Samuel Diz

Socio de la AGA

The Volterra Project
Curso de Verano
10 al 18 de julio de 2010
Volterra, Italia

English is the official language of the Volterra Project
4 one-hour individual lessons
(2 from Antigoni Goni + 1 hour visiting artist + 1 hour from teaching assistant)

The master classes aim to prepare not only accomplished and skilled musicians, but also intelligent and insightful artists.
Business seminars
3 two-hour lectures

Lectures and individual consultations will focus on :
Effective promotional materials-biographies, news releases, program notes, websites, ads, etc
Media coverage, media interviews and the development of other promotional skills.
How-tos of arts education and outreach
Concert Programs, and "concert artist etiquette"

Participants will leave the “Volterra Project” with an understanding of how the media work and how best to position themselves for promotion of concerts, recordings, residencies and teaching with a focus on career-long strategy.
Alexander Technique (AT)
2 x 45’ individual sessions
2 x 60’ group sessions

AT is a non-intrusive, active technique that allows both your body and mind to restore some of the natural energy and balance of which they are capable. AT will provide an invaluable tool to release the unnecessary muscular tension accumulated because of bad habits and emotional stress, to increase breathing and a sensation of growth in the spine and body.

Articulated both in individual and group classes the course will focus on:
Key principles of the Alexander Technique: primary control, good use and bad use
The structure and functioning of the human body and the way we misuse it
Increasing our awareness of our habits, and how we can start to change them
Links between mind and body
To relax in activity: re-discover a natural 'good use'
Mensaje recibido:

Dear Everyone,

It is a real pleasure to welcolme you to the 4th edition of the Volterra Project, Summer Guitar Institute.

On July 10th we will meet again in the hills across from the medieval city of Volterra in Tuscany, Italy, for 9 days of intense work and creative learning in one of the most enchanting and inspiring settings of the world!

A warm welcome to those who will decide to return or join us for the first time! I look forward to seeing you all in Tuscany

Antigoni Goni,

Founder and Artistic Director

Volterra Project Summer Guitar Institute
10-19 July 2010
Antigoni Goni
Elena Papandreou
Business Seminars
Dayle Besler
Music Physiology
Roland Fogel

Registration on-line and other info:
