Angelo Gilardino news 2004 (Largo, en ingles)

Angelo Gilardino

✝ 2022
El informe que envio a la fin de cada año a los amigos lo escribo en ingles por ser la mayoria de sus lectores conocedores de dicho idioma. En colocarlo aqui, pido desculpa a los que no lo pueden leer.


Dear Friends,

here my 2004 news, with my warmest greeting to all of you for the next holidays and for the forthcoming New Year.

This year has been most relevant to me, mainly due to three facts: 1) on April, I have finished my career as a professor in the Italian State Conservatory “Antonio Vivaldi” at Alessandria; 2) my output as a composer has increased of a big deal, at least in terms of number of finished works; 3) my task as an editor of the series “The Andrés Segovia Archive”, published by Edizioni Musicali Bèrben, has been successfully accomplished with the issue of the last work available for publication.

I taught guitar in an official position as a professor since 1965, but until 1981 I served in a part-time contract with the Liceo Musicale “G.B. Viotti” in my own town, Vercelli, a service which was compatible with my activity as a concert player. When I retired from concert career on 1981, my position as a teacher in the Liceo Musicale was too weak to grant me the incomes I needed for survival, and – with one of those “coincidences” which mark my life from time to time – I was called by the composer Carlo Mosso, then the Director of Alessandria State Conservatory, to teach as a professor. I served in that institution until April 2004. I could have followed occupying such a position, but in the last years I had felt less and less affectionate with a duty whose profile and contents were changing and getting too distant from my outlook of what a music professor should be and should do. Since then, I have resigned and decided to restrain my teaching activity only to a few masterclasses and to the cares I will give to a little number of students in a post-graduate course which an official music institution of my town, Scuola Comunale di Musica “F.A. Vallotti”, has promptly created, calling it “Corso Internazionale di Perfezionamento per Chitarristi <Angelo Gilardino>”. The authorities of my town and the director of the Vallotti school demonstrated a great courtesy, with allowing me to give the individual lessons to the students of this course at home, without going to the school! Getting old has its advantages...So far the course has nine students, one from Spain, one from Argentina, two from Israel and five from various regions of Italy. May I confess that it happens only now, after 39 years of teaching, that I feel completely at ease when imparting a lesson? I never gave private lessons, still I never enjoyed giving lessons in a public school. Now I have found my own formula: I give lessons for a public school but at home. I teach for my pleasure to students which come with a purpose which I like helping, out of any burocratic obligation.

As a composer – perhaps my unique true talent and however the unique task I solved without a pressure from outside – this year has been especially productive. Here the list of the works I have brought from beginning to end:

Sonata Mediterranea for Solo Guitar
Sonata del Guadalquivir for Solo Guitar
Annunciazione (Omaggio al Beato Angelico) for Solo Guitar
Ikonostas (Omaggio a Pavel Florenskij) for Solo Guitar
Memory of Antinous (Homage to Marguerite Yourcenar) for Solo Guitar
Concerto for Guitar, Cello and Orchestra (Star of the Morning – Homage to Nikolaj Roerich)
Retrato de Francisco Tárrega for Chamber Orchestra with Guitar

If, for a composer like Villa-Lobos, such an output would appear as a poor one, for a composer who works in the line of Falla, like myself, it looks really as an exploit. It is not my business to recommend the quality of these works, but it is my right to tell I am pleased to have been able to write them. And at this point, I cannot miss to recall of those persons who, with their inputs, suggestions, assistence, encouragement, etc., helped me to conceive and create these pieces. Here their names, with a warm thankyou to each of them:

Frédéric Zigante and Oscar Bellomo for “Sonata Mediterranea”
Gianvito Pulzone for “Sonata del Guadalquivir”
Eva Jakchs for “Annunciazione” and “Memory of Antinous”
Matanya Ophee and Stanley Yates for “Ikonostas”
Dimitri Illarionov for the Concerto “Star of the Morning”
Reza Ganjavi for “Retrato de Francisco Tárrega”

I thank very much my assistant and friend Luigi Biscaldi, who is the first listener and judge of every single piece I write, and the unremitting corrector of all the mistakes I take with leaving pen slips in my scores, as well as Franco Perone, a conductor and a friend, who helps me greatly with his suggestions about how to device a correct phrasing in the orchestral parts.

“Sonata Mediterranea” will have its first performance on January 22nd, 2005, at the Conservatory of Como, Italy, by the secure musical mind and hands of Francesco Diodovich. All the other works will surely be premiered nex year, dates still floating.

As for publication, Edizioni Bèrben have already printed and released “Annunciazione” and “Memory of Antinous”, and they have booked the “Concerto” and the “Retrato” for next year.
Editions Orphée will publish “Ikonostas” and GuitArt will publish “Sonata Mediterranea” and “Sonata del Guadalquivir”.

As an editor, I have accomplished my duties with the publication of the last volumes of the series “The Andrés Segovia Archive”, published by Edizioni Musicali Bèrben. It counts now 26 books:


Vicente Arregui
Piezas liricas

Lennox Berkeley
Quatre Pièces pour la guitare

Pierre de Breville

Gaspar Cassadó
Works for Guitar

Henri Collet

Ettore Desderi
Sonata in mi

Pierre-Octave Ferroud

Aloÿs Fornerod
Prélude op. 13

Vito Frazzi
Due pezzi

Angelo Gilardino
Colloquio con Andrés Segovia

Hans Haug
Works for guitar

Raoul Laparra

Henri Martelli
Quatre Pièces

Federico Mompou
Canción y Danza
Suite Compostelana

Federico Moreno-Torroba

Jaume Pahissa
Canço en el mar
Tres temas de recuerdos

Raymond Petit

Fernande Peyrot
Thème et Variations

Ida Presti

Pedro Sanjuan
Una leyenda

Padre José Antonio de San Sebastián (Donostia)

Cyril Scott

Alexandre Tansman
Posthumous Works for Guitar

Guillermo Uribe Holguin
Pequeña Suite

A few pieces are still pending, and their addition to the list could happen or not, but on the whole the music heritage which Andrés Segovia entrusted me with, has been honoured and made available to all the world, for a correct appreciation of the works and of their authors, and also for raising the glory of the great man who, with his art, inspired those musicians.

I am very happy with all the appreciation my work receives everywhere and I feel most grateful to those who send me messages of approval and esteem. Unavoidably, stalkers and denigrators do their job – especially here in Italy – and this is also a part of the picture, which I have learnt to deal with since many years.

This is all.

With my best wishes .

Yours Sincerely,

Angelo Gilardino

Vercelli, December 12th, 2004.


Vicente Arregui
Piezas liricas

Lennox Berkeley
Quatre Pièces pour la guitare

Pierre de Breville

Gaspar Cassadó
Works for Guitar

Henri Collet

Ettore Desderi
Sonata in mi

Pierre-Octave Ferroud

Aloÿs Fornerod
Prélude op. 13

Queridos amigos,

Aquí vemos una interpretación del Prélude, op. 13, de Aloÿs Fornerod (1890-1965), mencionado por el maestro Gilardino:

Parece que Aloÿs Fornerod compuso al menos dos obras para Segovia. Eso se deduce de una crónica periodística publicada el 26 de abril de 1932 en el diario suizo Gazette de Lausanne. En esa crónica se nos informa de que la organista y pianista de la Schola Cantorum de París, Paule Piédelièvre ha tocado en un concierto "deux charmantes pièces de M. A. Fornerod écrites pour Segovia" [dos piezas encantadoras del Sr. A. Fornerod escritas para Segovia]. Aparte del preludio op. 13 ¿qué otra(s) obra(s) escribiría Fornerod para guitarra?

No hay constancia de que Segovia tocase nunca en público las obras de Fornerod y seguramente esto hizo que el compositor arreglase el preludio op. 13 para piano. Lo de op. 13 del preludio para guitarra lo vemos en el manuscrito de la pieza que acompaña a la publicación de Bèrben, pero cuando Fornerod transcribió la obra para piano le dio un nuevo número de opus, el 14, y reutilizó el op. 13 para otra composición (Trois mélodies). La op. 14 de Fornerod se titula Deux petites pièces pour piano ¿escribiría también Fornerod la otra "petite pièce" de la op. 14, originalmente para guitarra?
En la correspondencia con el hijo de Fornerod, que se cuida de la herencia musical de su padre, non resulto nada mas que el Preludio, Julio. En la version pianistica, yo veo el titulo "Guitare", que nos confirma la intencion del autor. No veo porqué otra pieza concebida para guitarra y luego divertida en version pianistica habria sido separada del preludio y hecha huerfana de su sello "guitare". Pero todo puede ser.

Tras de haber publicado la obra de Fornerod - y desgraciadamente no antes - el oyo me ha caido en el programa del concierto que Segovia dio al Palau de la Musica Catalana en Barcelona el 29 fevrero 1932; en la tercera parte de dicho programa, aparece il Preludi de Fornerod en primera audicion. Lo he leido el el libro de Carlos Usillos, pag. 46. Otra presentacion de la pieza Segovia la dio en Napoles - ahora no tengo a mano los documentos, que pero estan en mi poder.

Ciao Julio.

Tras de haber publicado la obra de Fornerod - y desgraciadamente no antes - el oyo me ha caido en el programa del concierto que Segovia dio al Palau de la Musica Catalana en Barcelona el 29 fevrero 1932; en la tercera parte de dicho programa, aparece il Preludi de Fornerod en primera audicion. Lo he leido el el libro de Carlos Usillos, pag. 46.

Amigo Angelo,

El programa que reproduce Carlos Usillos en su libro parece esconder un misterio más relacionado con Segovia. Como tú bien dices, según Usillos, Segovia tocó en su concierto en el Palau de la Música de 29 de febrero de 1932:

Pavana y Gallarda (Gaspar Sanz)
Due canzoni á saltarello (de un códice publicado por Chilesotti)
Allegramento (David Kellner)
Preámbul i Gavota (A. Scarlatti)
Gigue (Weiss [en realidad Ponce])
Gavota en forma de rondó (Bach)

Sonatina (Ponce)
Melodía i Preludi (Torroba)
Improvisació (Carles Pedrell)

Sevillana (Turina)
Preludi (Aloys Fornerod)
Segovia (Albert Roussel)
Torre Bermeja (Albéniz)
Sevilla (Albéniz)

Sin embargo, en el diario La Vanguardia publicaron dos días antes del concierto una versión diferente del mismo programa:


También en el programa original que puede consultarse en las Col·leccions digitals del Palau, vemos la misma versión del diario La Vanguardia:


Como ves, hay varios cambios ¿Cuál de los dos programas interpretó Segovia? Parece que el segundo, según las crónicas periodísticas que se publicaron después del concierto, por ejemplo en la Revista Musical Catalana (marzo 1932) o en La Vanguardia (1 de marzo de 1932):


Es decir, pese a lo que vemos en el libro de Carlos Usillos, parece que Segovia no interpretó el Preludio de Aloÿs Fornerod en el concierto del 29 de febrero de 1932 en el Palau de la Música de Barcelona.

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