Nueva música de Eduardo Martín editada en GSP

Óscar López

Miembro del equipo
<img src="" border="1" align="right" style="margin-left: 5px;">Estimados amigos/as,
la publicación en papel de música para guitarra siempre es una buena noticia. Hoy os quiero hablar de la reciente aparición en la editorial americana GSP de la música del compositor cubano Eduardo Martín. Iliana Matos grabó el año pasado una integral de su música y la comentamos en este tema del foro, teniendo este CD mucho éxito allá en el mercado americano.

Según versa en este enlace de GSP ya están disponibles estas obras para guitarra sola:

- Angeles en La Calle
- Canciones del Calendario
- Divertimentos Tropicales
- Para Sonar Contigo
- Preludio, Son y Allegro​

Aunque en el momento de escribir esta noticia no están listadas en la base de datos de la web de la editorial sí se encuentran en su sección de novedades.

Más información sobre Eduardo Martín en myspace:


Un cordial saludo:

Óscar López Rogado :adios:
Hola Oscar y amigos del foro:
Aprovecho la ocasión para daros a conocer las excelentes críticas que ha recibido la publicación de las obras de Eduardo por parte de la revista Classical Guitar Magazine y al mismo tiempo deciros que las partituras ya se pueden encontrar en la Casa Luthier de Barcelona
Pues lo dicho, aquí va un resumen de las críticas.
Saludos a todos.

-Angeles en la calle
The chief characteristics of this extraordinary composition are the many and varied rhythms encountered throughout this five minute marrathon of perpetual motion where the driving force for almost its entire length is a baseline consisting of the mathematical formula of 123,123, 12.
When it is brought off with conviction (as does Iliana Matos in brilliant style on her CD 'Angels in the Street'), the piece becomes something rather exceptional. An outstanding new composition which would surely be an audience winner in any situation. Highly recommended." — Steve Marsh, Classical Guitar Magazine

- Canciones del Calendario
"This is quite simply, exquisite writing for the guitar and with shades here and there of York, lauro, and Montes plus Martin's own distinctive style, this is a lovely addition to the solo guitar repertoire." — Steve Marsh, Classical Guitar Magazine

- Divertimentos Tropicales
"Throughout, Martin draws on his wealth of experience, letting his imagination run riot and pous into these compositions enormous quantities of energy within the rhythmic patterns he constantly uses. This is tremendously clever writing for the instrument from someone who knows the fingerboard very well indeed. He also understands the needs of the audeience too and has cleverly written a concert piece which undoubtedly will be one to steal the show if performed in the right hands." — Steve Marsh, Classical Guitar Magazine

- Para Soñar Contigo
"As one would expect, this composition is a gentle and tranquil work, particularly easy on the ear, with the intermingling of harmonics and natural notes scattered throughout giving the piece a delicious gracefulness.
There are a few occasions where the harmony and melody-line direction catch you off your guard but all this adds to the charm of this exquisite work." — Steve Marsh, Classical Guitar Magazine.

- Preludio, Son y Allegro
"Taking inspiration from listening to the 'Prelude, Fugue and Allegro' of Bach, and making use of popular Cuban music, Martin has created an excellent virtuoso concert repertoire work par excellence. Crammed full of infectious rhythms, engaging harmonies and melodic lines, this work is full of excitement from start to finish." — Steve Marsh, Classical Guitar Magazine